Kevin Purdy

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The Android Apps I'm Still Actually Using

27 Nov 2011

Some favorite Android apps, folder-ized These are a few of my favorite things

Google+: The Missing Manual just entered the review phase, after months of effort by yours truly and O’Reilly’s very capable team. So now is a good time to peek above ground and look around. Scoping out the Android landscape, there’s a lot to see. Ice Cream Sandwich, or Android 4.0, is on its way, promising a unified, simplified foundation for smartphones and tablets. As soon as I can get my head around it, an update to the Complete Android Guide should follow.

As a kind of warm-up, and as a way to clear the air, I thought I’d note the apps, features, and little tricks I’ve found to be essential to enjoying an Android phone since I first picked up a G1 in June 2009. More than just my latest obsessions, these Android bits have stuck with me a long time, or significantly changed my experience. First up, the apps, with other tricks to follow.

I’ve left out all the things that are more of a matter of taste–app launchers, to-do managers, Twitter clients, and so on. What’s left are the apps I think just about anyone using Android would find useful. Enjoy.
