“I don’t believe in this Oscar bullshit, but it is the best movie of the year”
Our local ABC affiliate WKBW, suffering for years under serious cutbacks, accidentally turned the studio microphones on during the big finale of this year’s Oscars (post-spoiler: “No Country for Old Men” won). Rather than embarass their last-in-the-market station, however, the staff provide some astute inadvertent commentary. I question whether an apology was truly necessary.
My favorite line (in response to co-anchor Joanna Pasceri asking “What’s it about?”) is from Keith Radford: “Guy with no expression, keeps blowing up everything?”
I agree with New York Magazine on this one: Give this guy his own live-blog during next year’s telecast. (via Buffalo Pundit, though his link is to the non-embeddable version with better sound).