Kevin Purdy

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New look

25 Jul 2008

If you’re a return visitor, you might notice that I’ve changed the looks of this place. Let me tell you, it’s a lot more fun than house decorating, but it involves just as many challenges.

For those who follow WordPress minutiae, I made the move from the PressRow theme, designed by Chris Pearson, to Cutline, which Pearson also worked on. PressRow hadn’t been seeing any updates in a long time, and I find that managing sidebar “widgets” is a lot easier than manually embedding “plug-ins” on the sidebar.

The sad part? What really pushed the upgrade was the new WordPress iPhone app, which requires an up-to-date installation. I don’t know when, exactly, I’ll be away from my computer, with a wi-fi connection, and in need of writing a quick post, but, hey, what kind of tech writer would I be if I didn’t prepare for the pretend data-pocalypse?

Here’s an exclusive, exciting sneak peek at the late-night fun involved in re-building a site to fit the Cutline theme!

WordPress code for Cutline redesign